At Grange School, we believe that good behaviour is an essential component of a happy and secure school. Since the part of the school mission is to provide a creative and motivating environment for learning where each child will have a right to be both happy and secure, each member of the school community has the responsibility to take an active and caring interest in the life of the school to ensure that this is achieved.

Developing self–discipline, self-control and a sense of responsibility are important factors in learning to be a mature member of the school and indeed society as a whole.

Respect for one another (children and adults), property, resources and the wider school environment is at the heart of the school’s ethos. In order to protect the rights of every individual, every member of the school community has certain responsibilities which forms our Golden Rules (i.e Respect yourselves, Respect others and Respect our school.)

A rigorous system for behaviour management is central to providing children with the security that they need in order to gain most from school life. This structured system of rewards and incentives is underpinned by a progression of consequences for when things do go wrong.

The importance of consistency is been stressed when implementing our behaviour management. The individuality of every child and their right to equality of opportunity regardless of race, religion, gender, disability etc. is also recognised. Children with specific special educational and/or behavioural needs are treated as considered professionally appropriate and in partnership with parents/carers.

Behaviour is best managed consistently from day to day and across the primary phase of the school, ensuring that children always know where they stand. We also acknowledge the importance of forgiveness and the value of a fresh start.

Grange School has a zero tolerate attitude towards bullying. We are determined that all pupils should feel safe at school and enjoy their education. A key feature of this is the strong stance taken against all forms of bullying. The school is aware of the pressures and dangers that may present through new technology: our anti-bullying and E-Safety policies explicitly detail how we educate and protect our children.


We have a range of rewards for positive behaviour. These are negotiated within each class, suitable for the age and developmental level of the children. These may include:
• stickers
• stamps in their merit book.
• certificates
• whole class rewards (i.e using marbles)
• verbal praise
• opportunities to share successes with their class and other members of staff
• Behaviour Ladder - Reward.


These are agreed as a whole school and aim to celebrate successes as a whole school community. They include:

• Collection of Big Stars:
Children will be given a big star which can be bronze, silver, Gold or Super Granger once they move to the level on our Behaviour Ladder – Reward. The number of stamps each child has in his/her merit book will determine the level he/she will be.

• Celebration Assembly:
where children’s positive behaviour for learning at playtime and good behaviours for learning in classrooms are regularly rewarded. Children receive a celebration certificate to take home and class with the highest number of marbles is also celebrated.

• Additional negotiated responsibilities
e.g. playtimes and lunchtime buddies, play leaders etc.

• Accolade Assembly:
Pupils on a certain agreed Pastoral Points are celebrated and receive certificate and badges.


There are consequences when children do not follow the school rules/codes and are behaving in a way that is not acceptable. They include:

• Classroom management:
strategies to redirect children (such as non-verbal signals praising children who are on task, moving children) through to exclusion.

• Behaviour Ladder - sanction:
Where children are not following the school rules/codes they will be moved down the behaviour ladder and be issued with a consequence.

• Lunchtime detention

• Class book:
After an incident of inappropriate behaviour, it will be logged by an adult in a class book.


The school collects a range of behaviour data including attendance and punctuality, exclusions, referrals, progress data, bullying and racist incidents. This data is collated and analysed at the end of each term.

Incidents of inappropriate behaviour, bullying and racist incident are recorded in class book logs which are regularly monitored and analysed by the key stage coordinator so key patterns and trends are acknowledged and can be addressed.

Awards Criteria - Primary School

Raphael A. Durodola
Head, Pastoral Care/Wellbeing (Primary)