“Biology is the most powerful technology ever created. DNA is software, protein are hardware, cells are factories.” -Arvind Gupta

Biology is one of the most dynamic and diverse scientific fields. It enables learners to acquire sufficient knowledge and skills they need to become informed and confident citizens in a technological world.

The Biology department at Grange School provides an enjoyable and worthwhile educational experience for all students. The department is staffed with experienced teachers, who make use of varying teaching methods, outdoor lessons and resource persons to make learning and teaching fun and interesting. Whether or not learners will later study Biology-related courses in the future, they develop skills that are useful in everyday life.

In Key Stage 3, we ensure that students can develop ideas and design practical methods to investigate problems posed. At IGCSE level in Key stage 4, we place a great emphasis on practical skills, ensuring students are well prepared and best placed in their preparations for the final examination.

Welcome to the world of Biology. Welcome to the study of life!
Chlorine is a deadly poisonous gas employed on European battlefields in World War I. Sodium is a highly reactive metal which explodes upon contact with water. Together, they make a placid and unpoisonous material, table salt. Why each of these substances has such properties is a subject called CHEMISTRY - Carl Sagan

We all do chemistry every day! As soon as you wake up in the morning, you start doing chemistry. The toothpaste, soap and body cream we use daily are all chemical products. Chemistry explains how soap acts as a cleaning material; why a cup of coffee makes you alert; how petrol provides energy for an automobile; why you’re able to smell a perfume and other aromas. In fact, chemical reactions also occur in the back of your eye when light hits it.

Chemistry is truly the "central science". New breakthroughs in fields such as genetics, biochemistry, medicine, materials science, forensics, nanotechnology, drug discovery, the environment and next-generation computer hardware are all driven by chemistry.

Chemistry is about the molecules all around us. It is about matter: specifically how matter changes. Doing a degree in Chemistry will allow you to learn about why the things around us behave the way they do.

A sound knowledge of chemistry is required to fully understand most other areas of science, and this is why the study of chemistry is either compulsory or recommended by many other disciplines at university.

Chemistry opens the door for many careers because training in chemistry is essential for many positions in industry. Most importantly, it is just so fascinating! If you want to understand the workings of the world around you - then chemistry is for you!
“There is no science in this world like Physics. Nothing comes close to the precision with which Physics enables you to understand the world around you. It’s the laws of Physics that allows us to say exactly what time the eclipse is going begin. What time the eclipse is going to end” - Neil deGrasse Tyeon.

The Cambridge IGCSE Physics syllabus helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. They learn about the basic principles of Physics through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study at A Level, skills which are useful in everyday life.

Here at Grange School, Physics is subtly introduced at the early years when pupils are introduced to the world of science. This is built upon at the KS2 level where learners are introduced to the concepts of Sound, Light, Forces and the world beyond. Unusually, at the KS3 level, Physics is taken as a compulsory separate subject by all the students. At the end of the KS3 level an external examination-‘Checkpoint’ is written by all the students. This will help to identify those who have a flair for the subject and will like to pursue any course related to Physics. At the KS4 level, students are prepared for IGCSE. The pedagogy used in the Physics department is 21st century compliant. Practical sessions are embedded in our lessons. Here at Grange, Physics is FUN. This is obvious because students’ enrollment into Physics is high.